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Santini Size Chart

Measurement location, cmXSSMLXL 2XL3XL4XL
Clothes for men
Height 172-176 175-179 178-182 181-185 184-188 187-191 190-193
Chest 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108 108-112 112-116 116-120
Waist 78-82 82-86 86-90 90-94 94-98 98-102 102-106
Inseam Length 21-22 22-23 23-24 24-25 26-27 26-27 26-27
Clothes for women
Height 160-163 164-170 166-172 168-174 169-175 170-176
Chest 78-82 82-86 86-90 90-94 94-100 100-104
Waist 60-64 64-68 68-72 72-76 76-80 80-84
Hips 84-88 88-92 92-96 96-100 100-104 104-108
Inseam Length 16 17 18 19 19.5 20
Stockings / Knee Pads / Sleeves
Stockings 64 68 71
Knee Pads 41.5 43.5 46
Sleeves 42.5 45.5 48.5
Shoes / Socks
Size I / EU 36-39 40-43 44-47
US Size 4½ -7 7½ -9 10-13
UK Size 4-6½ 7-9 10-12½
Height from heel (toe) 10-12 14-16 20-22
Girth of the hand 16.5 17.8 19.1 20.3 21.6 22.9